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The world has never been smaller. The internet and video calls have it possible for people separated by hundreds and thousands of miles to connect in an instant, creating a truly global society. Many companies do business all over the world, and people travel and engage with different cultures and languages every day. As such, the ability to speak multiple languages is more valuable and important than ever.
Lincoln University's Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Foreign Languages can prepare you to excel and succeed in our new multi-lingual world. You can major or minor in Spanish or French, or pursue a minor in Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese. You'll learn to speak fluently in the language of your choosing, and also be immersed in the culture that language stems from so you're able to truly converse and understand the nuances of the language you're studying.
The Foreign Languages program is offered as part of the Languages and Literature Department. Reach out to the department if you have specific questions, or learn more about the program, courses, and requirements in the current academic year University Catalog. You may also view program outcomes below.
After graduating with your degree, you'll be able to pursue work as a translator, teacher, or simply have a competitive edge in the business or career of your choice.
At Lincoln University, we recognize the tremendous value of studying abroad and encourage you to consider international studies.
As a Foreign Language major, you are required to have a study abroad/total immersion experience. You are also encouraged to study abroad if you have a minor in a foreign language. Lincoln students have studied abroad in such countries as China, Russia, Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, France, Morocco, Japan, Belgium, Botswana, Nigeria, and Egypt.
The cost of studying abroad, including transportation, tuition, and living expenses in some cases may be less than the cost of studying at Lincoln. Financial aid can be used to pay for the costs of most study abroad programs.
You may study abroad at a foreign institution for a single semester, an academic year, or over the summer. In a standard semester program, you will usually earn 15 to 18 credits just as you would as a full-time student on campus.
If you are majoring in a foreign language, you will generally want to select a program that offers a full-time study of the language, literature, and culture of the country. If you are just pursuing a minor, you may be able to select a program that combines the study of the language with regular college-level courses that can satisfy other requirements of your major.
All language majors and minors are encouraged to take an active role in the language clubs. These are student organizations whose officers are elected annually. There are currently four language clubs (Arabic, French, Japanese, and Spanish). They are involved in many co- and extra-curricular activities, including tutoring, fund-raising, educational trips, and language fairs. They also actively participate in department-sponsored events such as International Food Festival and Language Night.
After graduating with a major in foreign languages, you will have developed the following skills:
Please see the current academic year University Catalog for more information on program requirements and detailed course descriptions.
If you've previously studied a foreign language in a school or otherwise for two years or more, you must take the Language Placement Exam before continuing your study of the language at Lincoln. This will allow the Department to place you into the level of instruction that best meets your existing abilities.
These exams are administered by the Languages and Literature Department and are given just before the beginning of the fall and the spring semesters (for new and transfer students) and just prior to registration periods during the academic year (for returning students). Results are normally posted within 24 hours in the Languages and Literature Department. Once placed, you are expected to follow the appropriate sequence of courses until completion of the language requirement.
If you test above the 202 level, you are eligible for the Bachelor of Arts degree and are encouraged to pursue the language as a minor or major.
You may earn credits for foreign language courses when you demonstrate proficiency at or beyond the level of the courses. The courses will be added to their transcript with a notation that the credits were earned by placement exams and with a grade of “P” (pass). Credits earned by placement exams are not included in the computation of your grade point average (GPA). If you are eligible to receive credit by placement exam, you will receive a memorandum from the Languages and Literature Department that you may take to the Office of the Bursar for payment of the required fees and then to the Office of the Registrar for placement of the entries on your transcript.
These exams are offered only to students who took two years or more of a foreign language in Junior/High School and plan to study that same language at Lincoln University for the first time. You are not eligible if: