Attorney-Client Privilege

Communications between the Office of the General Counsel and a University client are subject to the Attorney-Client Privilege. The privilege recognizes that University clients need to be comfortable when sharing information with their attorneys. It also ensures clients can share information without worrying about the information being disclosed unnecessarily. It allows for openness from the University attorney in providing adviceand coming up with a strategy for dealing with a particular situation.

It is critical for University clients to disclose full information to the attorneys in the Office of the General Counsel. To benefit from the privilege, University clients must not share any advice received from the Office of the General Counsel. Failure to comply with the preceding jeopardizes and could remove the Attorney-Client Privilege.

Related to the Attorney-Client privilege is the Attorney Work Product privilege. This privilege refers to an attorney’s work in preparation for litigation. Generally, information that is Attorney-Client privileged or Attorney Work Product will be protected by a court.

University clients may sometimes see the words “Attorney-Client Privileged” or “Attorney Work Product” on a document or other communication. This designation serves as a reminder to University clients to treat the document or communication with extreme care.

All questions about privilege should be directed to the Office of the General Counsel.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is provided solely for informational purposes, and is not to be construed as, or be a substitute for legal advice.