Office of the General Counsel

Legal Topics

Welcome to our website, where we explore a diverse range of legal topics to empower you with knowledge and insights into the ever-evolving field of law.

Whether you are a legal professional, a student, or simply someone interested in understanding the legal landscape, our comprehensive collection of articles, guides, and resources aims to provide you with valuable information and foster a deeper understanding of the legal world.

Our aim is to provide you with valuable information and resources to help you navigate the complex legal landscape in higher education. In an era where the law touches virtually every aspect of our lives, staying informed about legal issues is not just beneficial but essential.

Members of the Lincoln University community should contact the office about any and all legal issues involving the University. OGC provides legal services in a wide variety of practice areas, including policy interpretation, purchasing, and sale of goods and services, real estate transactions, construction contracts, and ethics and conflicts of interest.