As part of Lincoln University's strategic plan, the University develops strategic partnerships with the community while providing educational opportunities for students and the local community. Here are a few examples of how Lincoln engages with our community.
During 2017-18, students partnered with nursing home residents whose life experiences have paralleled their own professional goals and discussed them over a delicious dinner prepared by Kendal Senior Living's popular culinary staff. This monthly "Kendal Conversations" program began as a result of student presentations developed as a culminating activity in their heritage independent studies.
Lincoln University’s student spokenword poetry group, ISPIT, presented their work and established mentoring relationships with aspiring creative artists during their annual visit to the Chester County Intermediate Unit Learning Center in Coatesville.
In fall 2017, four Lincoln University junior and senior nursing students practiced their fundamental nursing skills by taking blood pressures at a community health fair at St. Paul's Baptist Church in West Chester.
During Senior Week 2018, students advanced the legacy through a beautification community service project at the Oxford Memorial Park and the police station in collaboration with the Oxford Main Street Incorporated.
Middle schoolers in the summer Jennersville YMCA BELL Power Scholars Academy visited Lincoln University for a day during which they toured the Langston Hughes Memorial Library and listened to a story about the Dewey Decimal System. The YMCA students asked Lincoln seniors about higher education and what it takes to be successful at college.
In spring 2018, the visual arts students exhibited artwork at the Oxford Arts Alliance. The Artists Talk provided an opportunity for the visual arts faculty to talk about Lincoln’s Visual Arts Program and for the student exhibitors to discuss their works on display.