

Accessibility Services (AS) staff collaborates with campus members with disabilities to identify appropriate accommodations that will ensure equal access to university programs, activities and services.  The accommodations process is designed to be collaborative. Upon enrollment with the office, Accessibility Services Coordinator will work with you and any other relevant university department to arrange reasonable accommodations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Accessibility Services Coordinator  (484)-365-5213 or email

Types of Accommodations

  • Academic Accommodations
  • Housing Accommodations
  • Meals Accommodations
  • Parking Accommodations
  • Emotional Support Animals

Requesting Approved Accommodation Letters Each Semester

1. If you would like to use your approved accommodation you must log into your account at  Accommodate and submit accommodation letter request.

2. You are encouraged to request the accommodation letters prior to the start of each semester. We highly recommend that your request your accommodation letters no later than one week after the ADD/DROP deadline, since some accommodation can take time to arrange.

3. Accessibility Services will notify you when your accommodations letters are ready. 

4. It is the student’s responsibility to share their accommodations letters at the beginning of each semester with their faculty. Students must notify their professors in advance when they would like to use specific accommodations.

5. Students who wish to use their approved testing accommodations must notify their professors at the beginning of each semester and at least two (2) weeks prior to a scheduled exam to make arrangements.