Graduation Students

Health Insurance

All currently enrolled full-time students are required to enroll. Full-time students are defined as undergraduate students taking nine (9) or more credit hours and graduate students taking three (3) or more credit hours. The applicable premium will be charged to the student’s tuition bill.

Students who waive out of the plan are required to submit proof of other comparable coverage.

International students may not waive out of the plan. Part-time students are not eligible. Dependents are eligible under this plan.


Review Student Health Insurance Plan & Policy

All full-time domestic students are enrolled in and charged for the Lincoln University Student Health Insurance Plan unless a waiver is submitted and approved. Students holding comparable coverage may be eligible to waive enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan.

A current history and physical is required for all freshmen, transfer students, international students, and re-enrollments. Students who participate in any intercollegiate athletic program, including band, will require a history and physical annually. In addition to history and physical, up-to-date immunization records are also required in accordance with the State Health Department and the Immunization Action Coalition recommendations and requirements.

To be eligible for a waiver of enrollment in the Lincoln University Student Health Insurance Plan, the University requires that students provide evidence of other comparable health coverage. Please be advised that the waiver request will be reviewed and verified active with the insurance carrier. Notification of acceptance or rejection of this request will be sent to your email within seven business days.