Freshman Year
LEARN - Exploration
- Connect with Career Development
- Self-Assessment
- Establish a Handshake Account
- Establish an Engaged Lincoln Lion Account
- Research majors that interest you
- Seek Academic Advising
- Define a Holistic Approach to managing on your own
Experiential Learning Activities
- Join a clubs and organizations
- Create a resume
- Engage in Community Service
- Identify Summer jobs
- Obtain work study position
- Capture new skills and competencies on your resume
- Etiquette Dinner
Sophomore Year
LIBERATE - Preparation
- Strive for a high GPA
- Meet with the Internship Office
- Meet with International Programs Office
- Attend CD Workshops and participate in Community Engagement Programs
- ID skills required for your field
- Attend Career Fair and Engage with Employers
Experiential Learning Activities
- Meet with a career advisor and refine your resume & cover letter
- Join professional organizations aligned to your major
- Assume leadership positions in clubs and organizations
- Attend Explore Days
- Participate in Pop- up Shops
- Visit Business aligned to your career interest
- Job Shadow
Junior Year
LEAD - Optimize Opportunities
- Validate Career Choice
- Consider Studying Abroad
- Create a pitch
- Secure an internship in your field
- Build your professional wardrobe
- Research grad schools and id requirements
- Academic Advising (Stay on track)
Experiential Learning Activities
- Complete internship
- If considering graduate school prepare to take the GRE< GMAT< MCAT LSAT etc.
- Network with professionals in your industry and attend Career fairs
- Build your LinkedIn Profile
- Mock Interviews Career Development
- ID an alumni who is working in your major
- Seek mentors
- Participate in Service learning to attain additional skillsets
Senior Year
E-Portfolio Advancement
- Create an electronic portfolio highlighting all of your accomplishments
- Begin transitioning from undergraduate school to graduate school and or workforce
- Continue to expand business and industry network
- Secure employment and or graduate school acceptance
Experiential Learning Activities
- Attend Networking events/leverage relationships/alumni
- Attend a Financial Planning Workshop
- Update and broker your resume/e-portfolio
- Refine your Pitch
- Mock interviews
- Refine Job Search Strategies and Prospect Employers
- Attend Internship/Career Fair
- Add influencers to you Social Media and LinkedIn Account